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Free newspaper and magazine service

World2Fly, in collaboration with PressReader, provides you with a free national and international digital press and magazine service to read during your flight. This application enables you to enjoy thousands of travel, lifestyle, sports, interior design, business, among other kinds of publications, from 120 countries and in 60 languages. All you have to do is download the publications you want before boarding the aircraft, and read them during your flight.
You will be able to access the content of the application through the link that you will receive by email before your trip. With this link you will automatically have access to the app, free of charge, from which to download all the publications you want to read during your flight. They will be yours forever! You will be able to download publications on the app from 48 hours before your flight and up to 48 hours after.

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Sustainability Commitment

We are committed to digitization and sustainability. This is why we do without paper publications at World2Fly, while protecting your health at the same time by avoiding contact as much as possible.